Participant Expectations

                        The 6-10 Participants from the University of Oregon will be required to:

1. Attend  Educational Sessions:
                   Every other Thursday evening beginning November 6, 2008
                   Must attend a minimum of 6 sessions before HaKesher Alef with permission of program coordinators
                   Must attend a minimum of 3 sessions after HaKesher Alef

2. Participate in a series of local volunteer initiatives
3. Leave UO early during finals week of Spring term for Israel (will arrange with professors ahead of time to take final exams early)
4. Implement a community initiative that draws on educational issues and social justice topics addressed during the year
5. Be in Eugene to host Israelis in September 2009 (we will let you know ahead of time what the dates are.  We understand everyone has summer plans and family obligations.  We want to work with everyone, but it is imperative that everyone participate in HaKesher Bet)
6. Program Fee: $300 for the year’s programming including an international volunteer trip to Israel during Spring Break